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With the development of Internet technology With the development of Internet technology


With the development of Internet technology, the network has become an important platform for people to extract information, and Web pages as the carrier of information resources, in various forms of information presented in front of users. In the era of information explosion, people's aesthetic demand for Web pages is also deepened, how to meet the needs of users is a problem that every website creator needs to solve. This paper makes a brief analysis of the basic elements of the Web page, and expounds the limitation of the plane visual communication in web design, and puts forward an effective method to improve the visual communication in Web design.


In recent years, the rapid development of Internet technology, people browse information is no longer limited to newspapers and television, the exchange of information has also broken through the geographical, cultural and time constraints, the rate of information transmission has undergone a qualitative change. Web page as the basic unit of the Internet, excellent web design is the first prerequisite for Internet users to browse information comfortably, the design of the Web page designers must take into account all aspects of factors, so that in the information dissemination at the same time, to meet the aesthetic needs of the masses.